Tabungao (Filipino pork and squash)

Tabungao (Filipino pork and squash)


1lb pork 
1 chopped long (opo) squash
1/4 cup chopped tomatoes
1/4 cup sliced onions
2 cloves of garlic
1/8 cup fish sauce 
1 1/2 cup water
1 T oil
1 t salt 

How to:
  1. Heat oil in pot on med high heat.
  2. Add garlic, tomatoes & onions
  3. Cook for 5 min, continually stirring
  4. Add sliced pork
  5. Cook and stir until all sides are browned
  6. Add fish sauce, cook for 10 min 
  7. Add water and reach to a boil. 
  8. Add salt & cook for 15 min. 
  9. Add squash but dont mix. 
  10. Cover pot for 5 min
  11. Uncover, mix the food and cook for another 10 min or when squash is soft.
  12. Serve hot over rice!
This is my favorite Filipino dish! I've never really been into vegetables but this is one that I can eat a lot of. Most people dont like fish sauce, but the taste in here isnt overwhelming. It's just the right amount. 


  1. I love coming here every week and looking at the delicious food you make! I have a lot of Filipino friends but I don't think I've ever tried a Filipino dish before. I love pork and this looks fairly simple to make! I'm going to have to give it a try. Thanks for the recipe!


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